Outreach and engagement activities
The dissemination of academic knowledge and participation in public debates constitute an important part of my job and I enjoy it a lot. I was a speaker at several non-academic conferences and public events i.a. Foresight in the EU, College of Europe, Bruges 2023, European Economic Forum 2023, Vienna Peace and Security Talks 2020, Budapest European Agora, Globsec Forum, Belgrade Security Forum, Dahrendorf Forum. Academia Europea de Yuste. I was also invited by various public institutions i.a. Polish Foreign Ministry, US Department of State, G20 Insights Platform, The European Commission Representation Office in Poland, The European Parliament Representation Office in Wroclaw to share my expertise.
Recent policy-oriented publications
Commentary for the UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE) (April 2023)
Germany in the EU after Merkel: A view from Poland
Commentary for the European Policy Center (EPC) (January 2023)
Commentary for Stiftung Genshagen (October 2023)
Moreover, in 2022 I was a member of the Weimar Task Force on the European Security Order and we set out our tri-national vision for the European Security Order 2023. Prior to this, in September 2021, I was invited to become a member of the Conference Observatory’s High-Level Advisory Group monitoring the Conference on the Future of Europe. The Conference Observatory constitutes a joint initiative by Bertelsmann Stiftung, the European Policy Centre, King Baudouin Foundation, and Stiftung Mercator. Our report has been published in October 2022 and is titled "Adding ambition to Europe´s unity".
Recent media appearances
Regular appearances at the Radio tokfm, TVP World, Gazeta Wyborcza, Euractiv, War on the Rocs, Euobserver, Deutschlandfunk, Washtington Post, and other media outlets.